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This video is about how to use coursebooks to personalize online classes. The speaker, Luciana D’Agosto, is the owner and coordinator of the D'Agosto Language School. She is a big fan of coursebooks and believes that they can be a great tool for personalizing lessons.

In the video, Luciana discusses the following topics:

  • The importance of personalization in online classes
  • The key elements of a personalized lesson
  • The benefits of using coursebooks in online classes
  • How to choose a coursebook for your group
  • How to adapt and personalize coursebook activities

Luciana also shares an example of how she personalized a lesson from the American Inside Out Revolution coursebook. She adapted the reading, listening, and grammar activities to make - them more relevant and engaging for her students.

Overall, this video is a great resource for teachers who want to learn how to use coursebooks to personalize their online classes.