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Submitted by oupelt on

This episode of Talking ELT discusses how to help students develop multimodal literacy skills, which is the ability to create and understand meaning using a combination of different communication modes, such as text, images, and videos.

The speakers acknowledge that creating multimodal texts can be challenging, but also very rewarding. They discuss different activities that teachers can use to help students develop these skills, such as creating graphic organizers, flowcharts, infographics, and presentations.

They also discuss the importance of helping students develop critical thinking skills about how they receive multimodal information. This includes being aware of how things like font size, color, and image placement can be used to influence the viewer.

Finally, the speakers discuss some of the new multimodal skills that students may need in today's world, such as video conferencing etiquette. They point out that video can be a helpful tool for students to become more aware of their body language.